Tuesday, June 23, 2009


The air was thick when she exited the library. It was late, how late she didn't exactly know since she had broken her phone earlier that day. She had flung it to the ground in a fit of anger. A kind of anger that she had never felt before but was now living inside her, growing.

She wasn't sure where she was going after the library. Going home was not a priority or even an option. Something was different about tonight. Sitting down in her car she begin composing her thoughts and took a big sip of her ginger ale. The excitement of the last couple of days had left her stomach uneasy.

Suddenly she knew where she needed to be. She started her car and preceded without hesitation. She was going to the place where she had lost it all. Th one spot that she couldn't bear to to venture toward or even pass.

It was only fitting that to recover her lost identity she go to the place where it was last seen. Hoping that maybe it was still lying on the floor or crumbled up in the dirt. She continued..

Sunday, June 14, 2009

"I am going to tell you the whole truth. Not half not a part of it, the whole damn truth. Its not going to be pleasant. Its going to unpleasant and awkward....maybe even unbearable depending on how strong your stomach is.

Sometimes I go on facebook and look through the profiles of guys I know through people. I look at there pictures and and walls. I like to get a nice sense of the kind of guys they are.

I find real gems every now and then. They seem so funny based on there status's and wall posts. I think damn, I could really like this guy. I am sure if I met him we would hit it off. I think I am his type.

Then I scroll through his photographs and see him with bunch of girls. They are all usually glitter eye shadow. I don't wear glitter shadow. Never have, I think its tacky.

Guess it would never work. hmph."

Friday, June 5, 2009

Reckless America

So after driving around this earth for last six years I think I can safely call myself a good driver. In addition to my almost tenure of experience I haven't been in any major car accidents and don't have much in the way of tickets. Overall, I am a car insurance companies dream. I check my mirrors before changing lanes, signal and stop at stop signs.

Now you are probably wondering why I felt the need to tell you all of these things. No, its not because I've decided to drive a school bus but rather because recently there has been an influx of really terrible driving.

I live in a quaint suburb in Long Island. Located forty minutes from New York City and nestled in between Jericho, Brookville and Hempstead- Hicksville is the best of both worlds. Families here have the disposable income to spend on movies, restaurants and mani pedi's but we think purchasing Hummers and Dior sunglasses is going overboard.

When I first started driving I was absolutely mortified of New York City driving. I feared the aggressive NYC driver. I would rather die than drive into the City. I preferred Hicksville. Where people were nice and not in any kind of hurry to get places. Driving to me was a thing of liesure.

Recently however, I would rather listen to all the Miley Cyrus, Hillary Duff and Jonas Brothers than take my car out of the driveway. Hicksville driving has become ruthless. In fact, I drive to NYC maybe two to three times a week for work and I find it pleasent. Yes the cabbies are little cracked but driving like that is there job. They get paid to pick up people and take them places. Hicksville drivers do not. Most of the people on the road are moms-in hideous SUV's zigzagging across the road, not a care in the world.

Anytime I go out I almost get into atleast three car accidents. I wonder why this is...is it the economy? I mean most everything that is happening can be blamed on the crumbling economy somehow.

I get that time are tough but why would that cause people to drive faster and more recklessely.

Then it dawns upon me.


Americans are reckless people. We are. Don't play like you aren't. Think about it today is NATIONAL DONUT DAY. Seriously it is. But I mean we dubbed a whole day for the consumption of donuts. Thats reckless. We are reckless about everything. Our money - See Mortgage fiasco, Lehman Brothers, AIG, GM...... Reckless about our health - Obesity rate-Donut Day-Super size- breakfast BURRITOS- Reckless about our children- Jon & Kate, Octamom, Britney Spears, Jamie Lynn Spears . Reckless about our marriages- Brad Pitt-Jen Aniston- Angelina Jolie- Tom Cruise- Katie Holmes- Divorce statistics-My Big Fat Fabulous Wedding. Reckless about our politics-Voted in Bush TWICE. Reckless about our principles- Tortured people at Guatanmo and forsaked everything this country stands for and our founders faught for.

So we are genually reckless about our lives. Therefore we are reckless drivers.
It is in our nature.
Six years ago this wasn't the case at all with driving. But in the last few years there has been a general decline in morals, ethics and driving standards.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I have issues with people who abuse fertility treatment (you don’t end up with sextuplets if you and/or your doctor are doing what you’re supposed to) and then parade their kids around and accept a bunch of free goodies. And these two were apparently chasing the gravy train from the minute the doctor said “There’s six in there.” In other words, I have no respect for them and think they are exploiting their kids for their own personal gain.

That said, the vitriol directed toward Kate Gosselin with this latest controversy is quite surprising to me. The general line seems to be “Of course he cheated on her because all she ever does is bitch at him –she’s soooo meeeaaannn.”

I’m sorry, people – have you seen Jon Gosselin and the way he talks to her? He seems like a wussy little passive-aggressive jerk, and I’ll tell you what, if I was married to that guy, I’d be a bitch on wheels too. I mean, he’s all but admitted to cheating on her with some 23-year-old, and one of things he’s said to have done is wander uninvited into a college girl party and hit on 19-year-olds. He’s, what, 40ish? What normal adult male, married or single, thinks that’s remotely appropriate and uncreepy?

Blogger Lisa Daily over on HuffPo said nearly as much on her own take on the show, She also made a good point – Jon hasn’t worked since before the sextuplets were born. He says it’s because his employer didn’t want to pay the insurance premiums for six babies; his former employer says it’s because he spent more time trolling for freebies than actually working. They’ve been pretty much supporting themselves solely on income from the show and the attendant book deals.

Daily writes, “A friend of mine has five children, and she runs a pretty tight ship. I think Kate is probably the way she is because if she doesn't take charge, no one else will.

If my husband seemed incapable, or unwilling to provide for our family, I'd do whatever I needed to do to make that happen. Even if it made me look like a bitch on national TV.”

I hardly think Kate’s a hero – they are both essentially famewhores who are selling out their kids and I hate to think what life in that family is going to be like once the cameras are off and the gravy train has stopped a’comin’. But there’s a nasty little antifeminist undercurrent in the “blame the woman” tone of much of the discussion I have read, and think we need to examine why Kate’s being painted as the monster in all this.

North Korea is instigating

Recently North Korea has been in the news a great deal because they are absolutely INSANE.

They have gigantic nuclear missiles that are capable of reaching the US. The US is all like, "chill with that North Korea you aren't in an imminent danger." The North Koreans are like "ahdjfdaijf" something or another because I dont understand Korean. Needless to say there is no diplomatic relationship between the US and North Korea. Now they are instigating with us.

First they take Euna Lee and Laura Ling. They have detained them and are putting them on trial and won't really say why. Laura Ling is Lisa Ling's sister.

Now, one of there Top Generals was named as the master in a counterfeit US money plot.

So, really, North Korea. You wanna go?