I feel as though I am starting a new chapter in my life, an exciting new chapter. In this chapter I'll do all of the things I was too afraid to do in chapters past. But before I start I need to let go of a few things.
Things I am Done With:
1.Pregnancy Shirts. So one day a designer woke up and decided it was cool to wear maternity clothing on the regular. Unfortunately everybody else on the planet thought this was a good idea as well. So for the last year and a half I've been wearing these shirts. Honestly, I am tired. I am tired of looking like the sugar plum fairy. I am not pregnant (Thank God) and I certainly should not be dressing for it. I wonder if the incidence of unplanned pregnancies has gone up in the last year because of this AWFUL trend. Women just had no idea they were pregnant bc they were dressing like this and didn't notice how fat they had gotten.
2. Skinny Jeans. Ive tried to be a downtown hipster and squeeze my fat ass into these jeans. To my dismay I always end up looking like a freak show. Who thought of this? I want to punch that person...was it Kate Moss? This is definitely all her fault...she is the only person who can successful wear skinny jeans. I hate her. I refuse to get hooked on coke so I can wear these jeans. I am going back to regular ass jeans. Also, men should not wear skinny jeans. Just don't do it. Your future kids will thank me.
3. Bollywood. Slumdog was cool. A.R Rahman working with MIA and PCD was meh. But now Bollywood has gone to far... Just leave it in Mumbai and be happy with what you...Hollywood. We might not have the song and dance numbers but atleast our films are not 3 hours long. Listen, I am Indian I grew up with Bollywood but I do not like this fusion of Bollywood and Hollywood. I hate it. Stop wearing bindis and dancing to Jai Ho.
4. Reality shows. They had a good run. I really enjoyed Flavor of Love and I Love New York. But no one is even trying anymore. I mean have you seen NYC Prep...Honestly, I dont care for those spoiled kids..they are boring. Where is the entertainment? If I wanted to tune into high school drama that doesnt matter I'd hang with my baby sister. Not to mention that the whole cast is so unattractive. I mean on the Hills and Laguna the people were good looking. I dont wanna watch an hour of ugly rich kids whine about college applications. So I am done with Housewives, NYC Prep, most of Bravo's tv line up, Daisy of Love, More to Love, Bachelor/Bachelorette, all those shows where people dance or sing...time for scripted television.
Recently in my single escapades I have come across a plethora of men who are wonderful except for a few things. You know guys who are perfect but dress poorly OR A guy who is fantastic except he wears chunky jewelry OR A guy who is absolutely wonderful except he snorts whe he laughs
now these things may seem insignificant and you might be thinking "Aditi stop being so goddam picky." But I am not being picky. I dont want to be with someone whose one bad quality is the only quality I'll scrutinize. But these qualities are easily fixed...which brings me to the title of this entry, The Fixer Upper.
Women do this sort of thing all the time, we meet a guy and we fix him to what we want. We change him. I for one praticed this in my last relationship. I fixed him up to my liking. Modified his wardrobe, fixed up his smile, and even his grammar.
But is this right? Should we pass up on fixer uppers and just find guys who meet our criteria? Maybe my fixer upper is another womans perfection?
I mean from experience I can tell you that after the relationship is over your fixer upper will revert back to his old ways. So are we doing the right thing by making these men change?
Maybe he likes to be poorly dressed. He thinks flannel is an excellent choice for a romantic dinner, leather can and should be worn all year round, and that just because the shirt doesnt fit him anymore doesnt mean he should stop wearing it.
The air was thick when she exited the library. It was late, how late she didn't exactly know since she had broken her phone earlier that day. She had flung it to the ground in a fit of anger. A kind of anger that she had never felt before but was now living inside her, growing.
She wasn't sure where she was going after the library. Going home was not a priority or even an option. Something was different about tonight. Sitting down in her car she begin composing her thoughts and took a big sip of her ginger ale. The excitement of the last couple of days had left her stomach uneasy.
Suddenly she knew where she needed to be. She started her car and preceded without hesitation. She was going to the place where she had lost it all. Th one spot that she couldn't bear to to venture toward or even pass.
It was only fitting that to recover her lost identity she go to the place where it was last seen. Hoping that maybe it was still lying on the floor or crumbled up in the dirt. She continued..
Sunday, June 14, 2009
"I am going to tell you the whole truth. Not half not a part of it, the whole damn truth. Its not going to be pleasant. Its going to unpleasant and awkward....maybe even unbearable depending on how strong your stomach is.
Sometimes I go on facebook and look through the profiles of guys I know through people. I look at there pictures and and walls. I like to get a nice sense of the kind of guys they are.
I find real gems every now and then. They seem so funny based on there status's and wall posts. I think damn, I could really like this guy. I am sure if I met him we would hit it off. I think I am his type.
Then I scroll through his photographs and see him with bunch of girls. They are all usually glitter eye shadow. I don't wear glitter shadow. Never have, I think its tacky.
So after driving around this earth for last six years I think I can safely call myself a good driver. In addition to my almost tenure of experience I haven't been in any major car accidents and don't have much in the way of tickets. Overall, I am a car insurance companies dream. I check my mirrors before changing lanes, signal and stop at stop signs.
Now you are probably wondering why I felt the need to tell you all of these things. No, its not because I've decided to drive a school bus but rather because recently there has been an influx of really terrible driving.
I live in a quaint suburb in Long Island. Located forty minutes from New York City and nestled in between Jericho, Brookville and Hempstead- Hicksville is the best of both worlds. Families here have the disposable income to spend on movies, restaurants and mani pedi's but we think purchasing Hummers and Dior sunglasses is going overboard.
When I first started driving I was absolutely mortified of New York City driving. I feared the aggressive NYC driver. I would rather die than drive into the City. I preferred Hicksville. Where people were nice and not in any kind of hurry to get places. Driving to me was a thing of liesure.
Recently however, I would rather listen to all the Miley Cyrus, Hillary Duff and Jonas Brothers than take my car out of the driveway. Hicksville driving has become ruthless. In fact, I drive to NYC maybe two to three times a week for work and I find it pleasent. Yes the cabbies are little cracked but driving like that is there job. They get paid to pick up people and take them places. Hicksville drivers do not. Most of the people on the road are moms-in hideous SUV's zigzagging across the road, not a care in the world.
Anytime I go out I almost get into atleast three car accidents. I wonder why this is...is it the economy? I mean most everything that is happening can be blamed on the crumbling economy somehow.
I get that time are tough but why would that cause people to drive faster and more recklessely.
Then it dawns upon me.
Americans are reckless people. We are. Don't play like you aren't. Think about it today is NATIONAL DONUT DAY. Seriously it is. But I mean we dubbed a whole day for the consumption of donuts. Thats reckless. We are reckless about everything. Our money - See Mortgage fiasco, Lehman Brothers, AIG, GM...... Reckless about our health - Obesity rate-Donut Day-Super size- breakfast BURRITOS- Reckless about our children- Jon & Kate, Octamom, Britney Spears, Jamie Lynn Spears . Reckless about our marriages- Brad Pitt-Jen Aniston- Angelina Jolie- Tom Cruise- Katie Holmes- Divorce statistics-My Big Fat Fabulous Wedding. Reckless about our politics-Voted in Bush TWICE. Reckless about our principles- Tortured people at Guatanmo and forsaked everything this country stands for and our founders faught for.
So we are genually reckless about our lives. Therefore we are reckless drivers. It is in our nature. Six years ago this wasn't the case at all with driving. But in the last few years there has been a general decline in morals, ethics and driving standards.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
I have issues with people who abuse fertility treatment (you don’t end up with sextuplets if you and/or your doctor are doing what you’re supposed to) and then parade their kids around and accept a bunch of free goodies. And these two were apparently chasing the gravy train from the minute the doctor said “There’s six in there.” In other words, I have no respect for them and think they are exploiting their kids for their own personal gain.
That said, the vitriol directed toward Kate Gosselin with this latest controversy is quite surprising to me. The general line seems to be “Of course he cheated on her because all she ever does is bitch at him –she’s soooo meeeaaannn.”
I’m sorry, people – have you seen Jon Gosselin and the way he talks to her? He seems like a wussy little passive-aggressive jerk, and I’ll tell you what, if I was married to that guy, I’d be a bitch on wheels too. I mean, he’s all but admitted to cheating on her with some 23-year-old, and one of things he’s said to have done is wander uninvited into a college girl party and hit on 19-year-olds. He’s, what, 40ish? What normal adult male, married or single, thinks that’s remotely appropriate and uncreepy?
Blogger Lisa Daily over on HuffPo said nearly as much on her own take on the show, She also made a good point – Jon hasn’t worked since before the sextuplets were born. He says it’s because his employer didn’t want to pay the insurance premiums for six babies; his former employer says it’s because he spent more time trolling for freebies than actually working. They’ve been pretty much supporting themselves solely on income from the show and the attendant book deals.
Daily writes, “A friend of mine has five children, and she runs a pretty tight ship. I think Kate is probably the way she is because if she doesn't take charge, no one else will.
If my husband seemed incapable, or unwilling to provide for our family, I'd do whatever I needed to do to make that happen. Even if it made me look like a bitch on national TV.”
I hardly think Kate’s a hero – they are both essentially famewhores who are selling out their kids and I hate to think what life in that family is going to be like once the cameras are off and the gravy train has stopped a’comin’. But there’s a nasty little antifeminist undercurrent in the “blame the woman” tone of much of the discussion I have read, and think we need to examine why Kate’s being painted as the monster in all this.
Recently North Korea has been in the news a great deal because they are absolutely INSANE.
They have gigantic nuclear missiles that are capable of reaching the US. The US is all like, "chill with that North Korea you aren't in an imminent danger." The North Koreans are like "ahdjfdaijf" something or another because I dont understand Korean. Needless to say there is no diplomatic relationship between the US and North Korea. Now they are instigating with us.
1. Susan Boyle. Have you heard of her? Britain newest pop star a 48 year old church volunteer who shot to fame because of her appearance on a reality show (figures) entitled, Britain Got Talent (that it does indeed). Susan Boyle who I might add is hideous claimed that she is an amazing singer and to our surprise she is. She stunned audiences and judges with her vocals. Good for her. BUT here is why I don't care...Ever since then there has been a media frenzy surrounding her. So much so that she had to be moved to a safe house...a safe house. Seriously. In addition, A former psychologist for Big Brother said she should be withdrawn from the contest to protect her mental health. She has reported feeling pressured and angry with the media.
So this is why I don't care. Leave her alone. She can sing woohoo! Why is this a headline? Who cares? Isn't there a big tax scandal going on in the UK? Why isn't that headline? What the hell is wrong with this world? Why can't we leave this chick alone?
2. Rihanna and Chris Brown. Ok go ahead call me hearltess. I dont care about them anymore. He beat her she went crazy. Shows over, everyone can go back in there respective homes. If she doesn't testify against him she is a moron. If he doesn't seek help he is a moron. Leave them alone. Get on with your lives. Don't you have a mortgage to pay off?
3. Adam Lambert and his sexuality. Really? who cares? Obviously he is gay, he wears make up and kisses men, that means he is gay. I can't believe this is a topic of national discussion, thanks Barbara Walters.
4. Father Alberto Cutie..the priest who was caught getting the nasty on with a *gasp* woman. Well first of, thank goodness it was a woman not a little boy. Ok now that thats out of the way. Father, in order to be a priest you have to be celibate. Its a rule! You can't pick and choose what you like and what you don't. Basically the Father is joining a different sect and getting married. The jig is up, you aint no priest just get married and live off the money you'll make writing a tell all book abou it. But why is thsi newsworthy? I am sure this kind of thing happens everywhere.
5. I just read this headline just now, "How Melissan Joan Hart Got Skinny Again," Oh praise Allah Melissa is skinny again. What would the world be without Clarissa explaing how to get skinny again. Thank God ABC News covered this breaking story. Who cares about the cyclone in India and Darfur. This is important stuff.
Wtf is wrong with the world we live in?
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
You know what I love about Cosmo Quizzes? The predictability. In fact, that is what I love about the entire magazine. So predictable.
People who say "I am going to bounce a few ideas off of you." OR people who bounce ideas off other people.
Here is why,
I once had a co worker (who I won't name but her or she probably frequents my blog every now and then so they'll know) who use to burst into my cubicle with a bouncy ball and was like "Ok Aditi I am going to bounce a few ideas off of you." Then he would bounce his bouncy ball off the side of my cube and tell me things. Like how he was going to go about his presentation or how he was planning on writing a some emails. A few times I'd interject and he'd totally disregard what I would say. He would respond, "Oh well I am not sure what exactly I am going to do, I am just bouncing ideas off of you."
This would really annoy me because he would waste a lot of my time just bouncing. A few times I'd even say "Hey, I am actually in the middle of something right now, can we do this later?" and he'd be like "Oh, its no big deal. You can continue what you're doing I am going to just talk a loud."
Then he would stand by my cube and talk aloud, distracting me.
After all these unsettling experiences I've come to despise people who like bouncing ideas. If I am confused or not sure how to order events I write them down OR I talk aloud TO MYSELF. I don't waste other people's time. I think people who BOUNCE ideas are selfish and insecure (these are my generalizations). You don't think your ideas are wonderful but at the same time you don't want anyone to say something mean about them. So you "bounce" and watch peoples facial reactions to your stupid ideas...bc lets face it any idea being bounced is stupid. If you were confident in your idea you wouldnt be throwing it up against people.
So moral of the story. Don't bounce your lame ideas off of me cause I'll give you disgusting mean angry looks.
Life is all about direction. Once you have direction everything about life seems so meaningful. If you know where you are going, you appreciate the trip.
But, the most difficult thing to achieve is direction.
Direction: 1. a line leading to a place or point; "he looked the other direction"; "didn't know the way home" 2. guidance: something that provides direction or advice as to a decision or course of action 3. focus: the concentration of attention or energy on something; "the focus of activity shifted to molecular biology"; "he had no direction in his life"
For myself the hardest task has always been to maintain direction. I establish my goals, write them out on a fresh new sheet of beaming white paper. Then I unleash myself until the paper is crumbled and dirty. I exhaust all options and angles. I want so much for my goal to be reached in a timely fashion.
Eventually I'll take the easy train out of the joint and be on the road to temporary relief and success.
It's like being a drug addict (not like crack or heroin) but prescription drugs like Vicodin. You think they can't be that bad since your doctor prescribed them but all of a sudden you are lying on the bathroom floor shaking manically because your prescription ran out. So you convince your doctor that your shoulder still hurts and he writes you up for two more refills. All of a sudden you are fine, that direction is back! It's temporary though. I am a sucker for instant gratification. I'll cheat, I always cheat. I've always cheated. I've just been lucky enough to not get caught.
So I want you to watch this video so you can get as scared as I am. Yes, propaganda.
As we all know Pakistan has a whole lot of nuclear weapons. We all also know that Pakistan is a really unstable place. Currently the country is being ravaged by the Taliban. So when Zardari was asked about all of this he responds "You can ask anybody who is responsible in any government and they will tell you they are not concerned. They are quite satisfied with the situation in Pakistan,"
WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE? Do you realize the ENTIRE world is concerned with your situation. Zardari reiterated that Pakistan's secret nuclear sites were secure, but declined to specify what safeguards are in place.
Stop playing us Pakistan, you are falling apart. You wasted the 10 million we gave you before to protect yourself from India but failed to realize your biggest threat was on the other side of you...AFGHANISTAN..also yourself....
I just want to say, I saw all of this coming. I did.
Pakistan mounted an offensive last week against Taliban militants in the northern Swat Valley near the Afghan border. Nearly 1 million people have been displaced in the fighting since supporters of the ousted regime in Afghanistan tried to push further into Pakistan — and closer to the country's capital of Islamabad. Britain promised an immediate 12 million pounds ($18 million) in humanitarian aid to displaced Pakistanis.
Thats nice of UK.
But mark my words, this isn't going to end anytime soon. It's going to drag on and hurt everyone in someway. Pakistan's government and army is infiltrated with terrorist which is precisely why the Taliban has been so successful within the nation. Serious intervention has to be taken. Zardari is a fool if he thinks those nuclear weapons are secure.
After much denial I've finally thrown my hands up and admitted.
America is run by idiots.
There it is, I said it. What's worse is that I believe it. I mean, if our founding fathers could see us now. Geez, imagine how angry they would be.
1. Thank you for flying a plane dangerously low near the remains of the World Trade Center. That was such a great idea. I mean, the final pictures are going to be fabulous. I can't wait for the Christmas card! I am glad that you just went in and did it, I mean Photo Shopping the whole thing, psh, what an awful idea. You need the real thing. You know what was better? The element of surprise not even telling the Mayor. You know, so people could emergency evacuate there buildings in fear. Splendid idea. Gosh.
2. Michelle Obama held a press conference to basically discuss the actions of the white house dog. Thank you Michelle. Thank you so much for using all the power at your disposal so adequately! Hearing about your recent outfit on the news every morning at 5 am when I am getting ready to go to my dead end job just brightens my day ! It makes me really think, God, here is a woman who went to Harvard and Princeton and look at her she is hosting slumber parties at the white house. That's what I want to do. You are a role model to thousands of women and girls across the country and all you can do is hold a press conference about a dog. You know whats worse, she wasn't even funny. She was so far from charismatic. I mean, lady you are talking about an already adorable puppy being funny shouldnt be that hard!
I don't think M. Obama realizes how important she really is. Here is this accomplished lawyer who had an illustrious career prior to throwing in the towel and settling into mommy-hood and first lady. But as first lady she has an important duty to illustrate the whole freakin world that American woman are not pretty figure heads. Look at Hillary for god-sakes! Hillary did not sit around and have dinner parties through her hubby's term. C'mon Michelle man up and take a stand for something! You are THE FIRST African American first lady dont let this be your legacy. What will we rememeber your husband for, his inspiring words and how he lifted a nation. What will we remember you for, nothing. We won't remember you Michelle.
3. Dear News Media. Stop. Go away. Stop. You suck so bad. I don't care about Michelle Obama's outfits. I dont care about what Sasha and Malia are eating for lunch. Stop. Broadcast Journalist and Broadcast Producers should be violently punished.
4. Miss. USA/Miss. America...whatever the name of the pageant is my question is, why are we still doing them? Who is Miss. New York? I don't want her representing New York, I don't care who she is. Just the fact that she gets to wear a crown and a sash and represent New York because she looks good in a blue evening gown and a white bathing suit makes me so angry. Every year I hear that some dumb bimbo said something stupid at a beauty pageant and that's the key really its a BEAUTY pageant. We aren't testing these women in math, science, business and politics. We are testing them on beauty..or rather, our skewed perception of beauty. This year one of them send something really stupid about gay marriage. I mean, wasn't that expected? That one of them would say something stupid. I expected it.
But really folks, why are we doing them still? Its no question that there are million so beautiful women in the United States but why are we making theme compete for a meaningless title that degrades them and all the womens liberation movement? I mean think of the origins of this competition...wasn't it the fifties. i am pretty sure. Yeah they offer scholarships to girls struggling to make ends meet, but is that the message we should be sending out? Beauty is capital. If thats so why is prostitution illegal? Why do we look down on strippers?
If you want to argue that Miss. America represents the wholesome values of the American girl...the i'd like to say the jig is up. The American girl is not wholesome. We are a hardworking, stiletto wearing, fast talking, cigarette smoking, no nonsense girl. Who the hell wants to be wholesome anymore? What am I a breakfast cereal? If you want a pretty figure head please refer back to Michelle Obama.
5. Gay Marriage. WHO CARES. Let the goddam gay people get married. We have BIGGER fish to fry.
6. Swine flu is not a pandemic, stop calling it that. seven people contracted it and its not fatal. Nobody under the age of 100 can die from it. You'll be fine, don't wear those ridiculous masks you freaks.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
I felt so close to him. We ended up having one of those conversations where you feel like there is no use hiding anything anymore, you've given yourself entirely to the other person that you feel like running around your apartment opening up your drawers and closets and cabinets and pulling out all sort of shameful things and arraying them on the bedspread shouting, "Look at this! And this! But love me!"
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
"You know whats weird" He said. "What?" "This feels exactly the way its suppose to feel," He answered. "In my experience, very few things in life feel exactly the way they're suppose to feel." "I know what you mean." "Do you?" He asked. "I do."
Saturday, April 11, 2009
"I am not coming back. We are not friends, we never were. And I can fool my parents, I can fool my friends but I can't fool myself. What I want from you I can never have. So I am going to go."
"I don't accept that."
"Well, you are going to have to."
"Look, there has to be some way we can still see each other..."
"There is....tell me you don't love me."
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
I want a love .
A love so amazing that someone composes a theme.
A love with so much tragedy and heartbreak that it inspires everyone to make love.
Every time someone thinks about my love story I want him or her to cry a little.
When they are done crying a little they should smile. A warm smile, a grateful smile because even with all the heartbreak my story had a happy ending.
"Your book is due back April 27th." She said handing a gray colored book. "Oh, Thanks." I responded. I reached my right hand forward and took the book from her. I accidentally brushed her hand, cold. It isn't uncommon for women to have cold hands, most women nowadays suffer from poor circulation. But her skin was shockingly cold. I looked up at her, she was probably 64 give or take a year. Nothing about her seemed particularly special. Her white skin had grown saggy and spotty because of old age. Her eyes were strikingly green. Strange. Her eyes did not fit her face. She had young eyes. Behind layers of old aged skin, the eyes of an eighteen year old girl. "Ma'am." Her voice shattered my thoughts. "uh, yeah?" I replied still startled. "Your book?" "Oh...yes. Thank you." I answered regaining composure. I took the book and placed it in my purse. "Is there anything else I can help you with?" She asked folding her arms. "Uh...yes...one more thing. What is your name?" She smiled and said, "Annabella." "Annabella..Annabella." I whispered the name twice. I wasn't sure if it fit her. "Annabella." I said the third time, this time situating the name to her face." I like it." "Thank you. Ma'am are you ok?" She asked. Her face looked terrified. "Yes I am fine. Goodbye Annabella." I then began to slowly walk out of the library. I looked down at my watch it was almost 3:30 PM, If I didn't hurry I would be very late. Annabella...Annabella...Annabella...The name kept ringing in my head. Such young eyes. Like she had never grown old. What was keeping her eyes? Before I exited through the double doors I turned back and looked at her. She stood at the circulation desk. We made eye contact briefly and I read her life. I saw everything in those piercing green eyes. Finally with a flutter of my eyelashes we broke eye contact and I knew what was keeping those eyes. ...
"Did you see that?" Annabella Bianchi asked. "See what?" The woman sitting next to her responded taking her reading glasses off. "That weird girl that just came in. She asked me my name and then started singing it." "No. I didn't see her. That is odd. Maybe she is on drugs. Those teenagers are all on drugs now." "No, she wasn't a teenager. She was probably forty." She stated picking up a rack of books and placing them on a cart. "She could still be on drugs." The woman added. "Maybe. Strange. Alright Harriet I am going to put these books back on the shelf." She began wheeling the cart over. "Have fun!" Harried shouted and Annabella gave her a stern look. "This is a library!" Harried waved her arms in response.
I have always believed that humans are complex creatures. That we are more than what we appear on the surface. Each of us is finely crafted and we have layers upon layers. It's the only way to explain the range of emotions we all experience. In addition, people act so differently to situations.
Recently however I have discovered one thing, misery makes us all act accordingly. I guess, this is what my Psyc teaher in college was jabbering about when she said "Stages of Grief." I never cared to listen, I used to think Psych was like fake science...like economics.
But not anymore. I believe in you Freud. Oh powerful Freud, the Father of Pyschology. I have noticed two distinct ways of handling grief recently. 1. Overcoming 2. Drowning.
The first, of which I am all too familiar. Begins with the introduction of a shitty situation. You don't know how to react so you are in denial for some time. Then, you are angry. You ask rhetorical questions like, "Why me world, Why me" or "Why do bad things happen to good people" ( you ask that question without even confirming from an outside source if you are good person or not. You just assume that since you asked that question you'd have to be a good person. Because bad people are ok with bad stuff happening to them because they know that they deserve it). Then, something happens. Either you spend the whole night crying and Krishna/The Prophet/ Jesus appear to you in the early light of morning or a Friend/Stranger says something uplifting to you that really changes your life-then you assume that frined was really an Angel sent by God. Either way you start believing in God. You become very religious or spiritual. All of a sudden you are reading religious text, questioning your soul and preaching to everyone who will listen. Then, you are on a quest to be a better person. You take care of your body, spirit, and soul. ( I always thought soul and spirit were essentially the same thing). But you realize that in order to be whole again, you must replinish yourself. You stop lying, cheating, and back talking. You are the path to nirvana.
OK this is the most important part, you carry on this charade for 6 months to 2 years. THEN you fall back into your old routine. Either you find what you had lost initially or things get brighter for you. All of a sudden you dont need God (psssh. he or she just held you down anyway) and you start talking about Peggy and how fat she is.
This is my critique on the stages of Grief. or atleast how to Overcome Grief. The thing is, we use these things as a vehicle to overcome grief but what we dont understand is that maybe if we continued down this path ...we would never feel grief again? OR maybe just maybe, grief is not a bad thing? Maybe we need to feel it to learn something about ourselves? If you can handle it, if you can handle accepting that whatever happened was somehow your fault. OR even a random event....maybe you are a stronger person than you once believed.
I believe in God, whole-heartedly, I always have. But God is not my vehicle. Rather I am God's vehicle. I do not hold God in my heart, rather I am in God's heart. Don't pick the idea of spirituatlity because it's an easy route to take. If God helps you through something, stay loyal.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
“Your grandma is creepy.” He said jutting his chin at my grandma.
“No she is not! She is old!” I was infuriated, I pushed him and he fell on the gravel scratching his hands. Soon his mother rushed over covering the boy with her large arms.
“What is wrong with you?” She screeched as if he had lost a limb.
“He said my grandma was creepy!” I exclaimed. My grandma came waddling over and tried to subdue the lady by waving her arms frantically.
“You people have some nerve.” The lady said and rushed away. My grandma just looked at me sternly. She started yelling at me in Punjabi. I tried to explain to her that I was simply defending her honor. She told me not to. When I tried to ask her why she quickly shushed me and bought me a Popsicle.
We never spoke about this event at home. My grandma said it was better not to tell my mother and father, it would just upset them. I never understood what that lady had meant when she said “you people.”
“Steven you are so late.” I said staring at him as he sat down. I had been waiting at the restaurant for over an hour.
“Sorry babe, I got caught up at work.” He responded coolly taking a sip of his water.
“Why didn’t you call?” I asked.
“Chill, what is the matter with you? So I am a little late.”
“I have been sitting here for almost an hour and a half by myself. I look like an idiot.” I screeched slamming my menu on the table. “You think after dating for like three years you would stop acting so childish.”
“Oh God, I know exactly what this is about.” He said with a smug look on his face.
“What are you talking about?”
“You want to get married.”
“That’s it, you want to get married. I knew you were going to get weird about us moving in together.” Steven had just recently moved in together because Steven insisted. He said it was the only way we’d know if we were truly compatible.
“I don’t want to get married.” I yelled.
“Yes you do.You are so Indian about this stuff.” He replied nonchalantly.
“I am what?” I was shocked. What did that mean?
“You are so Indian all of a sudden.” He said again this time not even making eye contact with me.
“I have always been Indian Steven.” I uttered and then fell back in my chair.
I had arrived exactly fifteen minutes early. That’s what they say right? Arrive fifteen minutes before the interview. I walked over to the receptionist.
“Hi, my name is Aditi Sharma I have an interview scheduled for today.”
“What’s your name again?” She asked looking down at her keyboard.
“Aditi Sharma.”
“Aditi Sharma.”
“Can you spell that please?” She looked up and rolled her eyes at me.
“Sure, Aditi, A-d-i-t-i. Sharma, S-h-a-r-m-a.”
“Ok, have a seat. Mr. O’Shea will be with you in a minute.”
“Ok. Thanks.” I sat down in the waiting area. There were three other applicants vying for the same position.I was nervous but confident in my abilities and experience. After twenty minutes the receptionist came to get me. I followed her into a large office. Mr. O’Shea was significantly younger than I had imagined. He looked about thirty eight; I saw pictures of his wife and children on his desk.
“Ok, Adeedee, is that right?” He asked. I smiled and nodded my head even though it was wrong I didn’t want to get into it. “That’s a rather peculiar name. What are you?”
“What am I?” I questioned puzzled at the way the question was phrased.
“Yeah, where do you come from? Your parents.” He asked shuffling through papers on his desk.
“Oh, well my parents are from India and I am from Queens.” I answered pushing my hair behind my ear.
“Oh that’s nice, India. Do you like Bollywood?”
“Yeah, I guess, yeah. Would you like a copy of my resume?” I said trying to change the subject.
“Oh, no need. So, why aren’t you wearing that dot? You know the red one?”He leaned in pointing to my forehead.
“Um, that’s only for special events.”
“Interesting, I thought it was a tattoo. You know my daughter has a lot of Indian friends, she is twelve. You guys are smart people. That nose ring you are wearing, does it mean you are married?”
“No, I wanted to get one; it has nothing to do with that.” I answered with my hands folded over my lap.
“Interesting.” He replied scribbling in his notepad. I wondered what exactly he was writing. Indian girl, dot less, wearing a nose ring and she likes Bollywood. I just fell back in my chair.
Thats it the title says it all. LEAVE SOUTH ASIA ALONE. Stop messing with my culture.
So PBS desecrated one of my holy books two weeks ago buy airing this cartoon called, Sita Sings The Blues. Where they take the story of the Ramayana a blessed holy story and make it a cartoon. In which Sita sings blues songs dressed like a common prostitute freakshow. Don't believe me look to the picture. I want to know whose idea this was, like who said this was ok? I wouldn't take the bible and re do and title it, "Jesus Raps," and dress Jesus up like a gangsta. You know why...RESPECT. I respect other people's faiths so I don't be-little there religious icons. Don't tell me you did this so the story could be understood universally. BECAUSE if you are such a moron that you can't understand this timeless tale of duty, virtue, faith and love then honestly, I'd rather not have you part of my religion.
PCD took the beautiful song, "Jai Ho" by AR. Rahman featured in the movie Slum Dog Millionaire and made it a song about sex and reaching an orgasm. "Jai Ho" is something Hindu's usually utter during prayer. Thank you so much America. Thank you for ruining everything you touch.
Anoop Desai’s rise to popularity has been a steady one and although, the 22 year old graduate student looks nothing like a pop star, he sure has the audience buzzing with excitement. The judges voted this time around to select the final wild card candidates. To everyone’s surprise they chose not three but four candidate turning what was expected to be a top 12, into a top 13. When Simon Cowell announced the newly created 13th spot, Anoop Desai looked shell shocked. He placed his hands over his face and the crowd exploded in applause. The newly inducted top 13 idol expressed that this meant a great deal to him when he addressed his hometown. “I just want to tell Chapel Hill that I know we’re having a tough day today, but we’re all thinking of Eve and I love you Chapel Hill,” he said, referring to Eve Carson, a former student at the University of North Carolina. She was murdered a year ago on Thursday. Desai had mentioned Eve Carson earlier as well, citing her as his motivation to audition for the show. Desai is the 2nd Indian American to be on the show since its inception, the first being, the infamous Sanjaya Malakar. Malakar was a finalist on the sixth season of American Idol and despite negative reviews from the judges he managed to advance to seventh place. Desai however, seems far different from Malakar. After his rendition of “My Prerogative” it is clear that he is the real deal. Apart from being the judges favorite he has gained a huge fan following. No arguments here, “Noop Dogg” has got real talent. He might even become the first South Asian American idol.
In January, the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) issued a fatwa, or religious edict, banning Muslims from practicing yoga that includes Hindu rituals, such as chanting.
Yeah, they issued a fatwa. Now for those of you who do not know what a fatwa is, I'll explain, a fatwa is a ruling or edict based on Islamic Law. It's made by a recognized religious authority. In this case the Indonesian Ulema Council. I mean, its not legally binding but if you are a practicing Muslim and you do not follow them the end result could be fatal.
For example, in 2005 the council issued a fatwa against the Ahmadiyya sect of Islam. It stated that the sect is heretical because it does not recognize Muhammad as the last of the prophets. A series of attacks then occurred on followers of that sect. Coincidence ? I think not.
The council has defended its edicts, saying its job is to provide guidance to Muslims on issues of public concern.
I don't know about all this. I mean, to me this sounds like an attack on human rights. Ok so you think Indian practices like Yoga are going to destroy Islam, why don't you think of an alternative practice? Yoga for Muslims...where instead of chanting "Om Shanti" you chant, "Praise to Allah."
That could work?
Indonesia has a large Muslim population but they are moderate Muslims and recently the minority extremist have been pushing for the imposition of the Shariah. To me, it seems like that is why the council is issuing all these fatwa's. They are pushing extremist agenda.
Despite the fatwa Indonesia is set to host a 8 day Yoga Festival. Now, if Muslims don't want to participate, DONT. But what scares me is that its never enough for these extremist they want the whole world not to participate. I fear for the safety of those who participate in this festival.
I can't help but feeling that we've failed our girls. As parents, peers and mentors we've failed them. This revelation comes to me in light of recent events, the Chris Brown and Rihanna domestic abuse story. Earlier this week the LAPD leaked the pictures taken of Rihanna right after the dispute. I won't post the pictures out of respect for Rihanna but I can assure you that they are simply horrifying. I know, the first question people will have is, How could Chris Brown do this?
But, my question is, How could we let this happen? Us, as a culture? How could we let this happen? Now, Rihanna is arguably one of the most popular figurs in mainstream American Pop culture right now. She is a role model to millions of little girls. How could this happen to such a powerful woman?
I don't believe that there weren't any warning signs. I can't believe that he just snapped and randomly did that to her. There had to be signs.
We as American's don't protect our daughters anymore like we use to. Instead we raise insecure, and self conscious girls. We promise them autonomy, but their freedom is laced with peril. I know we as a society dislike the ideals of the Victorian Era, but during those times, people nurtured and protected girls.
According to Tufts University psychologist David Elkind, "Our current postmodern style of family nurturance pays little deference to the old ideal of protecting children from life's vicissitudes or adult knowledge. Today's "harried parents" expect their "hurried children" to be autnomous, competent, and sophisticated by the time they are adolsescents."
At the age of 16, adolescents are not adults, they are still children. We don't effectively comba against teen angst. We are so busy with our schedules that we give in. Children need rules, yes they are going to break them but then you make better rules and punish them for breaking those rules.
Rihanna is not my only example. Lets review, Britney Spears. I love Britney for all that she has overcome but she grew up all to quickly and the world watched her downwhirl spiral. Jamie Lynn Spears, confused pregnancy at 16, thats a child raising a child. Lindsey Lohan. The girl from High School Musical, whose naked pictures ended up online.
We do not teach our girls how to feel good about themselves. Instead we let them learn from mainstream media, which is the worse example. We let our girls believe that in order to feel pretty they must be a ridiculously small size, have big boobs, big butts, and dress slutty. We do nothing to nurture them from the inside, we let them wear make up at 13 yrs old to make the look pretty on the inside.
Girls who do not feel good about themselves need affirmation from others, and that need, unfortunately, almost always empowers male desires. In other words, girls who hate their bodies do not make good decisions about partners, or about the kind of sexual activity that is in their best interest. Because they want to be wanted so much , they are susceptible to manipulation, to flattery even to abuse.
We need to make an investment in all American girls, not just our own daughters...
Recently I've discovered that I can be very mean. So one of my new years resolutions was to be nicer. It sound's simple but its rather difficult. I am not intentionally mean, it's just that when people tick me off for whatever reasons its how I respond.
In order to be nicer, I have to stop and think before acting or speaking. I have to second guess my instant reaction. I've realized that this new ability - stop and thinking, has not made me nicer its only helped me be meaner more effectively.
Today I went to the bank to deposit my checks. Its always a mad rush on Friday's to get your check in before the weekend, therefore, there is rarely any parking. So I drove around the lot twice looking for spots and found nothing, finally I gave up and parked illegally next to an already parked car. Meaning, I created a spot for myself. Now, there was a car that had done the same exact thing which is what inspired the idea. So I parked, turned on my hazards and head out. The weather in New York has been rather schizophrenic the past couple of weeks and today it was roughly 30 degree's with a windchill that made it feel like 15. As I bundled up in my jacket and head out towards the bank this old woman probably 80 years old stops me in the middle of the parking lot.
"You know, thats not a parking spot." she says. I am in utter disbelief that Granny is reprimanding me in the freezing cold. It is so windy that I am about to fly away along with the bundle of checks in my hand. "Excuse me? " I ask. "That." She points to my car. "That is not a spot." Now, I assure you that my car was not blocking anyone or causing anyone any kind inconvenience. So this is where the stop and think stuff kicks in, "OH, It isn't? Well what do you know. I guess not." I respond acting dumb founded. "Yes. It isn't"She responds folding her arms like she had done her civic duty and stopped a murder from occurring. "Are you a cop?" I ask. "What?" "Are you a cop ma'am? Are you planning on issuing me a ticket?" I ask "No." she looks utterly shocked. "Then Shut up. " And I start to walk past her and she calls out. "You have quiet an attitude miss." I smile and respond, "I do, don't I?" I hurry into the bank and chuckle to myself.
Here is the thing, I know that was a mean thing to say but I think she needed to hear it. I hate old people who have no other venue for there stupid energy than to pick on young people. Just because you are old doesn't make you on a greater moral standing than the rest of us. I parked my car for 5 minutes and promptly left, I didn't block or take your stupid handicap spot.
You want to make a real difference old lady? Look this up,
I've wanted to write something legitimate for some time now but I can't bring myself to comment on the world currently...It's awful. Everything, is just so awful.
So, I am not going to comment on the bad things, instead, I'll highlight the positive. I think we all need some good news, right?
** Clears Throat. Ahem. Ahem**
The nine men involved in the terrorist attacks on India are lying in a hospital morgue. How is this good news? Well, here is the thing, they are Muslims and therefore, they must be buried. The Muslim community in India is refusing to take them in and bury them. “People who committed this heinous crime cannot be called Muslim,” Hanif Nalkhande, a spokesman for the trust, told The Times of London.
Thank you Indian Muslim community.
Obama's controversial stimulus package ( which has passed, Thank God) has received support from GOP Governors. I know you are thinking, thats not a big a deal. But it is! Maybe this means the Republicans are seeing past all the bullshit. Not all at once, but slowly they will all come around.
Thank you Gov. Terminator.
Billionaire fashion designer Armani, announced at fashion week that he is going to donate 1 Million dollars to New York Public Schools to promote the arts.
Thank you philanthropy.
Chris Brown has finally broken his silence. He released a statement saying that he was deeply remorseful and will be seeking counseling.
Thank you TMZ. President Álvaro Colom of Guatemala apologized to Cuba on Tuesday for his country’s role in permitting the CIA to train Cuban exiles on Guatemalan soil to take part in the Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961.
Thank you history.
JetBlue is offering Fare Refunds to customers who have lost their jobs since purchasing a ticket.
Thank you market competition.
Also, Dunkin Donuts is randomly handing out free $5.00 gift cards to customers.
Thanks again, competition.
And finally, He's Just Not That Into You opened in theaters. So if you need something to take your mind off all the bad things going on go see this film. Not because its particularly good or anything but because we all know the easiest things to fuss and strain your brain over are matters of the heart.
OK. Has the world gone completely insane? I know the economy is tough but seriously? Have you been reading the news? Nadya Suleman had EIGHT children. NO, its no Jon and Kate plus eight. Its Nadya and fourteen children. Nadya who doesn't have a job or a degree. This lady got divorced in 2000 before she had any babies, and then decided to pack her uterus with as many embryo's as possible and destroy her vagina.
I am not being mean, I am angry as hell. You know Suleman hired two publicist as soon as she left the hospital ? You know angelina and brad got $14 million for there baby pictures. You know everyone who had a shitload of babies has there own reality show . You know she collected $168,000 in disability benefits. You know she got an interview with the Today show... It's absolutely disgusting.
In another news, President Obama has taken over my TV/Radio/Internet. Enough with the Obama mania already. I think he spends more time on TV then actually doing anything. Have you watched the Senate argue over this stimulus package? Its the stupidest shit you'll ever witness. It's like third grade show and tell, everybody in Senate wants to show there fabulous analogy concerning deficit spending. I have come to the conclusion that America is run by idiots.
Michael Phelps smokes pot. The golden boy of America was stupid enough to be caught taking a hit. You're a moron.
Jessica Simpson is fat. woohoo. I don't care. Here is what I do care about, her sudden new tantrums on stage. She destroyed two concerts by screwing up her own lyrics and running off stage in tears. I am getting tired of celebrity tantrums. How can you screw up your own awful lyrics?
Apparently every cabinet appointee Obama picked decided it was unnecessary to pay taxes. This really pisses me off, like really. Geithner wrote off his kids sleep away camp expenses as day care. That ticks me off more than you can imagine because those day care benefits are for single mothers. You know the girls who got knocked up in 10th grade and had to put the kid in day care so they could finish beauty school. Those girls really need those benefits so there children don't repeat the same story. Geithner is a douchebag and I dont know how I feel about him being in charge of the "Treasury" or whatever is left of it. After hearing all this stuff I feel as though Obama cannot bring the change he promised, he'll just spend his entire term bringing ethics to Washington. How can we expect Wall St. to act accordingly if Politicians can't even do it.
Did you are about this $500,000 salary cap for Wall St. exec's. Seriously, $500,000 is the cap? Seriously.
Apparently Peanut company lied that they tested the tainted peanuts and knew they were giving salmonella to everyone. Smart guys, what you thought nobody was going to notice? Nobody was going to notice that people just started dying. smart.
Sri Lanka and Gaza. How about this Sri Lankan Government, why dont you just kill all your inhabitants, all of them. This way you can go around shooting because that is what you are doing anyway. Did you catch any of those Tamil Tigers yet? Oh, yea, one. Good job. How many innocent civilians have you killed? wooosh, thats a big number. Any of them babies. oooh thats nice. Oh, and Hamas and Israel....seriously..no comment.
Oh and word to the media. STOP TELLING ME HOW MANY JOBS HAVE BEEN LOST DAILY. I get it, things are bad, I see it. I don't need a daily reminder. You know what else I don't need a stupid comparison to another shitty time when this stuff was happening.
Finally, Ashlee Simpson and that freakshoow she married named there kid something hideous.
I propose a new program. Listen up Obama. Before a couple or single person decide to have a child they should be screened, given an aptitude test, a personality test and there financial information should be reviewed...then they should told whether or not they should have a child. Because just because you can have babies doesn't mean you should.
First of all must go Your scent upon my pillow And then I'll say goodbye to your whispers in my dreams. And then our lips will part In my mind and in my heart, Cause your kiss Went deeper than my skin.
Piece by piece is how I'll let go of you Kiss by kiss Will leave my mind one at a time One at a time
First of all must fly, My dreams of you and I, There's no point of holding on to those And then our ties will break, For your and my own sake, Just remember, This is what you chose
Piece by piece Is how I'll let go of you Kiss by kiss, will leave my mind one at a time One at a time
I'll shed like skin, Our memories of lazy days, And fade away the shadow of your face
Piece by piece Is how I'll let go of you Kiss by kiss, Will leave my mind one at a time One at a time
So recently, I've heard a whole bunch of people ask the question, Should Bush and Rumsfeld be tried for war crimes?
Lets clear this up a little, there is no Should...it's WILL they be tried for war crimes. According to UN Special Rapporeur on Torture Manfred Nowak, " both former President George W. Bush and former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld could be brought to trial. Nowak told the German broadcaster ZDF, "the United States U.S.) has a clear obligation" to prosecute Rumsfeld and Bush for ordering interrogation methods at Guantanamo that contravened a UN convention on torture. Nowak said there were publicly available documents "that prove that these methods of interrogation were intentionally ordered by Rumsfeld." Bush was warned on January 28, 2003, by Lawyers Against the War that he and senior government officials could be prosecuted for war crimes if military tactics violated international humanitarian law. Their letter to Bush said that although Washington was not a party to the International Criminal Court, U.S.officials could still be prosecuted under the Geneva Convention
And lets not forget those amazing photographs fromAbu Ghraib prison in Iraq. So now that its been indefinitely proven that in fact we did torture prisoners at Gitmo....Want more proof, Click me. What do we do now? Should we go after Rumsfeld, and Bush? Nowak states that we as a nation have a clear obligation to do so. I guess, the reason there has been no real action on this front is because President Obama's first prority is the economy. I dont understand however why he is so adament about getting bipartisan support on his stimulus plan. He doesn't need it, the plan is going to pass and its virtually impossible to get republicans to see past tax cuts. I agree, that tax cuts will bring more immediate results however we aren't looking for a quick fix, we need a long term plan.
Ok enough of that.
I think after we relax the economic situation we must reprimand the people responsible for the torture. I say this because as an American citizen I feel like I've been cheated. I feel guilty and disgusted with myself. I condemned this type of behavior toward another human being because I was so caught up in the fervor post 9/11. You know the Bush Administration did a great job making a clear line, the US is Good and those people, the Muslims, are Evil. It was so clear to see. But now, after pulling my head out of the water (8 years later) the line is not so clear. How can we call ourselves "Good" if we did the same things the so called "Evil" people did. Doesn't all this sound like the story of a poor, uneducated Pakistani boy? Lets say some terrorist blew up his home and killed many of his friends. He was vulnerable. He then was brainwashed into doing some terrible things. Isn't that the story of Americans post 9/11. Our fellow citizens were killed by some terrorist. We as a nation were then brainwashed into indirectly doing some terrible things. What do we have to show for it ? No WMD (weapons of mass destruction) and no Osama Bin Laden. We killed thousands of innocent people in search for one man? We are in a war that is exhausting our spirits, economy and above all killing more of our own in search for what? One man?
above all, we forsaked the very virtues of our nation. Freedom. We took away the freedom of citizens. We threw innocent people into prison and tortured them. Here is the thing people, yes, you didn't do anything personally. There is no blood on your hands. directly. But we all as a nation, sat back and looked the other way as this was happening. We are responsible for the torture of innocent people. The blood is on our hands.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Ever have a best friend who suddenly isn't your best friend anymore? For no reason at all...poof...not best friends anymore. How does that happen? Two people change so much that can no longer connect in the dynamic way that they use to?
Do you think life is a book? or a movie? You know, that life is following the same sequence as a novel or screen play would. Life imitating art perhaps?
A lot people I've noticed make references to their respective lives being like sitcoms or novels. I myself feel as though my life is a Lifetime film. For those of you who aren't familiar to Lifetime its called "television for women," need I say more?
I wonder why people do this? Why do we want our lives to be movies or novels? I guess if my life was actually a Lifetime film it would hold some significance. Thousands of women between the age's of 27 to 35 would tune in on 9pm on a Saturday night to watch what happened to Aditi Sharma. I guess in a way I'd be a role model, no?
The reason we do this (I believe) is because most movies and books have happy endings. No matter how shitty shit gets everything will come together and we will in fact live happily ever after...fade to white..roll credits. Imagine, if there was no promise for a happy ending? Why would you continue to live? One day somebody came up to you and said you are going to die alone in your one bedroom apartment. Nobody will know for days, until your neighbors smell something peculiar. They'll find you a week later almost half eaten by your cats.
Why would you go on?
But here is the absolutely horrifying thing...there is no promise for a happy ending. There isn't, nobody told us that we would happy ending..I mean movies did and so did novels but those are not the ruling authority... So yes some might argue that most novels and films are inspired by true events...but that doesn't mean that the hundreds of billions of people that inhabit the planet will live happily ever after. Sad Shock. ouch.
I was reading NY times today, I know, I am so absolutely cultured reading the times. In fact, I just recently started up a subscription because I don't want the newspaper industry to be done. I respect the history behind the paper business. So rise up America and start buying the paper!
Well, I read an article entitled, " UN Building in Gaza Strip is hit by strike from Israel." The sad part about purchasing the paper is that I could find this article free online and I paid for it. But whatever it takes NY Times!
Anyway here is an excerpt, "Prime Minister Ehud Olmert of Israel expressed regret for the strike but said that Israeli forces were fired on by Hamas militants from just outside the United Nations compound and then ran inside to take cover, according to Mr. Olmert’s spokesman, Mark Regev. “It is absolutely true that we were attacked from that place,” Mr. Olmert said in broadcast remarks, according to Reuters."
OK . So they fired on you by foot, correct? Like they were standing outside? And then they ran inside (this is the part that Olmert does not confirm. He simply says that Israeli forces were fired on by Hamas militants outside the UN building).
OK. So your rational response, bomb the whole building? Interesting. I mean, who cares for the hundreds of Palestinians taking refuge in the building and then those who work there and have nothing to do with this conflict. Who cares. Like six Hamas foot soldiers maybe ran inside so we bomb the whole building. Smart. Effective?
This conflict sounds all too familiar???? Perhaps the US debacle in Mid-East. Remember how the rest of the world is shitting on us about that? Remember how American citizens are outraged themselves...this war of attrition.
Should you be trying to kill Hamas foot soldiers OR here is a thought, why not FIND the leaders who are training these soldiers???
I don't think killing innocent Palestinians is really going to solve anything. You think your situation is going to be fixed by killing more people? I mean even Bin Laden is involved (he has turned into the Rev Al Sharpton on all things Muslim). He is urging Muslims in Gaza to rise up against you. Do you really want more Muslims rising up? More suicide bombers? I mean, they have proved that they can do that well. Do we really need more of that?