Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Pakistan's president says nuclear stockpile safe

Video of Taliban Terror in SWAT Vally Pakistan

So I want you to watch this video so you can get as scared as I am. Yes, propaganda.

As we all know Pakistan has a whole lot of nuclear weapons. We all also know that Pakistan is a really unstable place. Currently the country is being ravaged by the Taliban. So when Zardari was asked about all of this he responds
"You can ask anybody who is responsible in any government and they will tell you they are not concerned. They are quite satisfied with the situation in Pakistan,"

WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE? Do you realize the ENTIRE world is concerned with your situation.
Zardari reiterated that Pakistan's secret nuclear sites were secure, but declined to specify what safeguards are in place.

Stop playing us Pakistan, you are falling apart. You wasted the 10 million we gave you before to protect yourself from India but failed to realize your biggest threat was on the other side of you...AFGHANISTAN..also yourself....

I just want to say, I saw all of this coming. I did.

Pakistan mounted an offensive last week against Taliban militants in the northern Swat Valley near the Afghan border. Nearly 1 million people have been displaced in the fighting since supporters of the ousted regime in Afghanistan tried to push further into Pakistan — and closer to the country's capital of Islamabad.
Britain promised an immediate 12 million pounds ($18 million) in humanitarian aid to displaced Pakistanis.

Thats nice of UK.

But mark my words,
this isn't going to end anytime soon. It's going to drag on and hurt everyone in someway. Pakistan's government and army is infiltrated with terrorist which is precisely why the Taliban has been so successful within the nation. Serious intervention has to be taken. Zardari is a fool if he thinks those nuclear weapons are secure.

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