Friday, May 29, 2009

Things I Don't Care About

1. Susan Boyle. Have you heard of her? Britain newest pop star a 48 year old church volunteer who shot to fame because of her appearance on a reality show (figures) entitled, Britain Got Talent (that it does indeed). Susan Boyle who I might add is hideous claimed that she is an amazing singer and to our surprise she is. She stunned audiences and judges with her vocals. Good for her. BUT here is why I don't care...Ever since then there has been a media frenzy surrounding her. So much so that she had to be moved to a safe house...a safe house. Seriously. In addition, A former psychologist for Big Brother said she should be withdrawn from the contest to protect her mental health. She has reported feeling pressured and angry with the media.

So this is why I don't care. Leave her alone. She can sing woohoo! Why is this a headline? Who cares? Isn't there a big tax scandal going on in the UK? Why isn't that headline? What the hell is wrong with this world? Why can't we leave this chick alone?

2. Rihanna and Chris Brown. Ok go ahead call me hearltess. I dont care about them anymore. He beat her she went crazy. Shows over, everyone can go back in there respective homes. If she doesn't testify against him she is a moron. If he doesn't seek help he is a moron. Leave them alone. Get on with your lives. Don't you have a mortgage to pay off?

3. Adam Lambert and his sexuality. Really? who cares? Obviously he is gay, he wears make up and kisses men, that means he is gay. I can't believe this is a topic of national discussion, thanks Barbara Walters.

4. Father Alberto Cutie..the priest who was caught getting the nasty on with a *gasp* woman. Well first of, thank goodness it was a woman not a little boy. Ok now that thats out of the way. Father, in order to be a priest you have to be celibate. Its a rule! You can't pick and choose what you like and what you don't. Basically the Father is joining a different sect and getting married. The jig is up, you aint no priest just get married and live off the money you'll make writing a tell all book abou it.
But why is thsi newsworthy? I am sure this kind of thing happens everywhere.

5. I just read this headline just now, "How Melissan Joan Hart Got Skinny Again," Oh praise Allah Melissa is skinny again. What would the world be without Clarissa explaing how to get skinny again. Thank God ABC News covered this breaking story. Who cares about the cyclone in India and Darfur. This is important stuff.

Wtf is wrong with the world we live in?

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