Friday, March 27, 2009

Stages of Grief

I have always believed that humans are complex creatures. That we are more than what we appear on the surface. Each of us is finely crafted and we have layers upon layers. It's the only way to explain the range of emotions we all experience. In addition, people act so differently to situations.

Recently however I have discovered one thing, misery makes us all act accordingly. I guess, this is what my Psyc teaher in college was jabbering about when she said "Stages of Grief." I never cared to listen, I used to think Psych was like fake economics.

But not anymore. I believe in you Freud. Oh powerful Freud, the Father of Pyschology. I have noticed two distinct ways of handling grief recently.
1. Overcoming 2. Drowning.

The first, of which I am all too familiar. Begins with the introduction of a shitty situation. You don't know how to react so you are in denial for some time.
Then, you are angry. You ask rhetorical questions like, "Why me world, Why me" or "Why do bad things happen to good people" ( you ask that question without even confirming from an outside source if you are good person or not. You just assume that since you asked that question you'd have to be a good person. Because bad people are ok with bad stuff happening to them because they know that they deserve it).
Then, something happens. Either you spend the whole night crying and Krishna/The Prophet/ Jesus appear to you in the early light of morning or a Friend/Stranger says something uplifting to you that really changes your life-then you assume that frined was really an Angel sent by God. Either way you start believing in God. You become very religious or spiritual. All of a sudden you are reading religious text, questioning your soul and preaching to everyone who will listen.
Then, you are on a quest to be a better person. You take care of your body, spirit, and soul. ( I always thought soul and spirit were essentially the same thing). But you realize that in order to be whole again, you must replinish yourself. You stop lying, cheating, and back talking. You are the path to nirvana.

OK this is the most important part, you carry on this charade for 6 months to 2 years. THEN you fall back into your old routine. Either you find what you had lost initially or things get brighter for you. All of a sudden you dont need God (psssh. he or she just held you down anyway) and you start talking about Peggy and how fat she is.

This is my critique on the stages of Grief. or atleast how to Overcome Grief. The thing is, we use these things as a vehicle to overcome grief but what we dont understand is that maybe if we continued down this path ...we would never feel grief again? OR maybe just maybe, grief is not a bad thing? Maybe we need to feel it to learn something about ourselves? If you can handle it, if you can handle accepting that whatever happened was somehow your fault. OR even a random event....maybe you are a stronger person than you once believed.

I believe in God, whole-heartedly, I always have. But God is not my vehicle. Rather I am God's vehicle. I do not hold God in my heart, rather I am in God's heart. Don't pick the idea of spirituatlity because it's an easy route to take. If God helps you through something, stay loyal.


Sobaika said...

who prays for the Prophet to appear to them?

Anonymous said...

I thoroughly enjoyed this post. that is all