Thursday, February 17, 2011

My Love Does Cost A Thing

The song, "Love Don't Cost A Thing" did a grave disservice to women. Specifically women who were teenagers around the time of its release. It made us believe that money is not an important part of a relationship, "even if you were broke, my love don't cost a thing."

I remember singing the song at the top of my lungs sitting in my best friends silver Hyundai Elantra. I remember thinking JLo's words were the gospel truth. I couldn't wait to meet a man and love him with our without the bling.

That was then, this is now, after following Jen's advice I have learned something incredibly important, my love does in fact cost a thing, it cost a lot of things. And if you are broke then don't waste my time. I don't think this makes me a money hungry gold digger, bc I don't date men solely for financial gains. I like to date guys who are at the same caliber as I am and can afford me. I am not into struggling artists who think that going to subway is a good first date.

I expect to be wined and dined and in return I will do those things for you. We should be able to match each others expectations. I am not into the flowery whimsical notion of love, love can't survive solely on love - so much more is involved.

So Jen, I am sorry, Money is absolutely integral in relationships.

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