Monday, February 28, 2011


He doesn't realize how lucky he is, he has no idea how much I envy him, he is the smartest and brightest individual I've ever met. His capacity for knowledge and learning is astounding. It bewilders me, we are related, we share DNA and yet I will never be as intelligent. I will never know how it feels to be considered "smart."

We both went to college, he went to an illustrious private university, he was showered with academic grants and stayed in the prestigious scholars dorm surrounded by other academically superior kids.

I went to state college, no academic grants and no scholars dorm for me. I was a regular student, nothing special, just satisfactory.

We both graduated in 4 years, he was Summa Cum Laude and I wasn't. He went to Medical school soon after graduation, I didn't. He was smart enough to get into a American medical school. I was laid off from my first job. He got accepted into the M.D/MBA program. I spent 11 months on my parents couch looking for work.

Do you see what I am doing here? I am trying to paint you a picture of the reality of my life in comparison to my older brother.

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