Thursday, March 5, 2009

Islamic Council Issue's Fatwa against Yoga.

In January, the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) issued a fatwa, or religious edict, banning Muslims from practicing yoga that includes Hindu rituals, such as chanting.

Yeah, they issued a fatwa. Now for those of you who do not know what a fatwa is, I'll explain, a fatwa is a ruling or edict based on Islamic Law. It's made by a recognized religious authority. In this case the Indonesian Ulema Council. I mean, its not legally binding but if you are a practicing Muslim and you do not follow them the end result could be fatal.

For example, in 2005 the council issued a fatwa against the Ahmadiyya sect of Islam. It stated that the sect is heretical because it does not recognize Muhammad as the last of the prophets. A series of attacks then occurred on followers of that sect. Coincidence ? I think not.

The council has defended its edicts, saying its job is to provide guidance to Muslims on issues of public concern.

I don't know about all this. I mean, to me this sounds like an attack on human rights. Ok so you think Indian practices like Yoga are going to destroy Islam, why don't you think of an alternative practice? Yoga for Muslims...where instead of chanting "Om Shanti" you chant, "Praise to Allah."

That could work?

Indonesia has a large Muslim population but they are moderate Muslims and recently the minority extremist have been pushing for the imposition of the Shariah. To me, it seems like that is why the council is issuing all these fatwa's. They are pushing extremist agenda.

Despite the fatwa Indonesia is set to host a 8 day Yoga Festival. Now, if Muslims don't want to participate, DONT.
But what scares me is that its never enough for these extremist they want the whole world not to participate. I fear for the safety of those who participate in this festival.


(J)Ami(e) said...

wtf...I mean you can't control the extremist, but I think its sort of irresponsible of the Indonesian Government to still hold this festival, I mean I think it's pretty clear that something is bound to happen...

Anonymous said...

declare jihad on them.

listen, yoga is awesome. it made me less angry.

Sobaika said...

love yoga, love islam, thank you indonesia for holding this festival.