Friday, February 20, 2009

No Country for Old Men/Women

Recently I've discovered that I can be very mean. So one of my new years resolutions was to be nicer. It sound's simple but its rather difficult. I am not intentionally mean, it's just that when people tick me off for whatever reasons its how I respond.

In order to be nicer, I have to stop and think before acting or speaking. I have to second guess my instant reaction. I've realized that this new ability - stop and thinking, has not made me nicer its only helped me be meaner more effectively.


Today I went to the bank to deposit my checks. Its always a mad rush on Friday's to get your check in before the weekend, therefore, there is rarely any parking. So I drove around the lot twice looking for spots and found nothing, finally I gave up and parked illegally next to an already parked car. Meaning, I created a spot for myself. Now, there was a car that had done the same exact thing which is what inspired the idea. So I parked, turned on my hazards and head out. The weather in New York has been rather schizophrenic the past couple of weeks and today it was roughly 30 degree's with a windchill that made it feel like 15. As I bundled up in my jacket and head out towards the bank this old woman probably 80 years old stops me in the middle of the parking lot.

"You know, thats not a parking spot." she says. I am in utter disbelief that Granny is reprimanding me in the freezing cold. It is so windy that I am about to fly away along with the bundle of checks in my hand.
"Excuse me? " I ask.
"That." She points to my car. "That is not a spot." Now, I assure you that my car was not blocking anyone or causing anyone any kind inconvenience.
So this is where the stop and think stuff kicks in, "OH, It isn't? Well what do you know. I guess not." I respond acting dumb founded.
"Yes. It isn't"She responds folding her arms like she had done her civic duty and stopped a murder from occurring.
"Are you a cop?" I ask.
"Are you a cop ma'am? Are you planning on issuing me a ticket?" I ask
"No." she looks utterly shocked.
"Then Shut up. " And I start to walk past her and she calls out.
"You have quiet an attitude miss."
I smile and respond, "I do, don't I?" I hurry into the bank and chuckle to myself.

Here is the thing, I know that was a mean thing to say but I think she needed to hear it. I hate old people who have no other venue for there stupid energy than to pick on young people. Just because you are old doesn't make you on a greater moral standing than the rest of us. I parked my car for 5 minutes and promptly left, I didn't block or take your stupid handicap spot.

You want to make a real difference old lady? Look this up,

1 comment:

(J)Ami(e) said...

AHHH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, I wish I was there to witness this situation. I love old people, but I agree with you on this, just mind your own damn business, no need to make citizen's arrest grandma...