I am a strong, intelligent and capable woman. This kind of thing does not intimidate me! I've already battled with my looks, I am comfortable in my own skin. NOPE all lies. Turns out I am a insecure 13 yr pre-pubescent girl.
Now, I am obsessed I NEED TO BE THINNER. I say thinner because I am already freakin skinny as hell. I stand 5''3 and 110 pounds, that's pretty skinny. I wear a size 1-3 and sometimes a 0. I am skinny. Here is the thing though, there is no longer any line. Before, there was a clear cut line, fat/skinny. It was easy to see but now there is no line. I am skinny but compared to the lady on my left, I am a fat ass.
Where is the line? Oh my God look at her arms. I know this picture is absolutely disgusting but a a part of me wishes I had those arms.
On another note, I had a very interesting conversation with somebody today. A friend of mine, well not really a friend but a friend of a friend. I was talking to him today and he said, "Aditi don't worry so much about money. Start doing what you really want and the money will just come."
I am not going to take this advice. Instead I am reveling in it. You know when somebody says something so great that it revs you up? Like, it was something that I needed to hear. Here was this guy almost a complete stranger telling me that I would be successful. All I have done for the past 3 yrs of my life is doubt myself and my abilities. All everybody around me has done is either create the doubt or encourage the doubting. Not because they don't want the best for me but because they are just as scared as I am of failing. But this stranger who knows of me, knows of my work told me that I would be successful.
I know, I am crazy, I think too much but I can't help it. What he said was so necessary, it was exactly what I needed to hear at exactly the appropriate time. I am not taking the advice because I am scared as hell of failing but I might not criticize myself so heavily now.
skinny is not good. You are killing yourself. you need to have some fat to look good and sexy!
LOL, I do not agree, I have almost no body fat and am in great shape, just like this gorgeous woman. She is not too skinny, too skinny is when a woman's knees are bigger than her calves and thighs...this is not the case here, this model is, and has, the perfect body IMO :) ...you go girl
Woah. This girl is definitely not healthy. No, she does NOT have a perfect body at all. I doubt she'll even be alive in 10 years if she maintains that weight.To her: GIRL GET EATING.
She is definitely NOT healthy, she is way too skinny and that is not healthy at all... I don't understand why anyone would even want to be that skinny...she has nothing to her.
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