This is the story of a girl named, Maude. I know what you are thinking. What kind of name is Maude? Who would name a child that? Well, that not her real name. I name her Maude for two reasons, 1. to protect her identity and 2. Maude was the name of a very popular 70's sitcom. In which the main character Maude got into very controversial situations. The show won a number of Golden Globes.
The Maude in this story is a lot like the Maude of the 70's is very outspoken and strong willed. Does this paint a good enough picture?
Maude, who is a twenty five year old successful Public Relations professional meets a young gentleman named Tyler (there is no real relevance of the name Tyler, I just like it). Tyler is twenty eight and is a NYPD guy. At first, he seems boring and Maude is very uninterested. She forces herself to go out on a few dates with him because she is twenty five and has not been out on a date in three years. OK, I assure you there is nothing wrong with Maude she just decided one day that she was done chasing boys and was going to focus on her life. When she met Tyler at a dive bar her friends pushed her to give him her number.
Maude goes on a date with Tyler. She goes on one date, two dates, three dates, sleeps with him, four dates, five dates, sleeps with again and finally they are in a full blow relationship.
Two years later Maude is moved in with Tyler.
Finally, on Maude and Tyler's three year anniversary, Tyler does the unthinkable, he proposes to Maude. The whole set up was rather romantic ( I add as an innocent bystander) he took her out to his favorite restaurant. He had asked her parents to be seated three tables behind them. The waiter brought her a glass of champagne (he could not afford the whole bottle because it was $250.00 and Tyler works on NYPD salary). Doesn't matter! He brought her a glass of champagne and at the bottom was her ring. She drank the champagne rather slowly. Finally, she gets to the bottom and has a putrid look on her face when she see's the ring (not what anyone had expected). Tyler kneels down next to her and she see's her parents get up and she realizes that she has been ambushed. Tyler says, "Maude, I love you, please make me the luckiest guy in the world. Will you marry me?"
Maude doesn't answer. The entire room is silent. All chatter has stopped. Maude looks up at her parents. Her mothers hands clasped at her heart and her father nearly in tears. She looks down at Tyler, she see's his socks that are exposed because he is kneeling...he is wearing two different socks!
How could he?! He is proposing to her. This is suppose to be the happiest day of her life! How could he be wearing two different socks? Maude feels humilated. Everybody is staring at her and her almost finance wearing two different socks! "I am sorry. I can't." Maude utters and then throws her napkin on the table and walks away.
This is all a true story. Ok, so I know that Maude didn't walk away from Tyler because he was wearing two different socks. The fact that she noticed that means she wasn't in love with him. Maude walked away because she had fallen into a relationship of convenience. This isn't a single isolated event. Hundreds of thousands of women fall into these relationships everyday! They find less than average guys and settle for them because there friends/mothers/confidants tell them too.
Its a very sad epidemic
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