Sunday, June 14, 2009

"I am going to tell you the whole truth. Not half not a part of it, the whole damn truth. Its not going to be pleasant. Its going to unpleasant and awkward....maybe even unbearable depending on how strong your stomach is.

Sometimes I go on facebook and look through the profiles of guys I know through people. I look at there pictures and and walls. I like to get a nice sense of the kind of guys they are.

I find real gems every now and then. They seem so funny based on there status's and wall posts. I think damn, I could really like this guy. I am sure if I met him we would hit it off. I think I am his type.

Then I scroll through his photographs and see him with bunch of girls. They are all usually glitter eye shadow. I don't wear glitter shadow. Never have, I think its tacky.

Guess it would never work. hmph."


(J)Ami(e) said...

does shimmer constitutes as glitter?

Hovi said...

wow so true