Tuesday, December 2, 2008


the question on everyone's mind is what is India going to do next? The connection to Pakistan seems pretty clear. Its basically been verified that Pakistani terrorist were responsible for the bombings. But I wonder, what angle the terrorist are playing? Why are they doing all this...
Recently, Pakistan has become considerably popular. The US neeeds them to fight against Al Quaeda.
Which is precisely why Condo Rice went running to India after all this went down. Ugh, this is why my frustration with the US grows. If India needs Pakistan's help and Pakistan is ready and willing. The US should BUTT OUT. Stay the hell out of that side of the planet.
I don't think the United States fully understands the way these two neighboring countries feel about each other. Unless you are either Pakistani or Indian you simply cannot comprehend the level of hate. My thoughts are the US should butt out and let the two countries decide civilly because it is very rare that they do anything civilly.


I read this in George's Bottom line one ABCnews.com

"If India posts military troops along it's border with Pakistan, Haqqani said Pakistan will be forced to do the same, diverting resources from fighting the Taliban which has gained strength in parts of Pakistan."

To me, this is absolutely ridiculous...absolutely. So what India not take any military move to protect itself from Paki terrorist that are sneaking into the country via the border?

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