Saturday, November 22, 2008 No, no.

So I am filling out my application to go to journalism school to become a credible journalist.
go ahead, laugh it off, get it out of your system....done? ok good.

I am applying to Columbia University since it was founded essentially by Joseph Pulitzer. The school has a great deal of integrity, it would be nice to have that degree following me around. Since my Binghamton University degree has done absolutely nothing for me. Basically undergraduate degree's are worthless. Think about it, the idea of College was invented during the time when everyone wanted to be a scholar. What is a scholar? A scholar is someone who is really very smart and constantly shares his or her opinion. BUT scholars don't have jobs. You cannot be employed as a scholar. There is no real money in the field of Scholar. Being a scholar wont pay the bills. So really, the concept of college is stupid. very stupid. It just delays your transition into the real world and teaches you no real trade.

Graduate school is why the in between?

Why waste four years of your life drinking irish car bombs and mastering the art of beer pong?

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